Social commerce (sCommerce) is a part of electronic commerce (eCommerce). sCommerce involves social media, online media or any such platform that supports social interaction between users or buyers. It assists buying and selling of goods and services through online medium.
Yahoo started using this term while offering a platform for public wherein people can come and write about their experience with other online services.
From yahoo to now sCmmerce has widen its arms to various facets like-
- Ratings and reviews,
- User recommendations and referrals
- Social shopping tools (sharing the act of shopping online),
- Forums and communities,
- Social media optimization
- Social applications and
- Social advertising
Customers of online retail are now well aware of power of social commerce. In recent year sCommerce sites have seen very good growth and apparently becoming a essential part of eCommerce.
Small organization like trying to avoid start their facebook page for certain reasons, but now they are forced to maintain their own identity on facebook.
Recent survey reflects 80 per cent of the buyer goes online to check reviews and rating of any offer before buying. Out of these 80 per cent 25 per cent made purchases as a direct result of having read about an item on a social media site of some kind. Facebook and twitter are most searched sites for reading and writing reviews.
Now one can imagine how powerful sCommerce is becoming day by day. It’s that part of eCommerce where no transaction happen but it’s a platform that drives transactions and becoming unavoidable.
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