Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tablet PCs Supporting m-commerce to Become Next Big Thing

Biggest challenge for e-commerce is user experience. When it comes to mobile commerce it goes even micro. At the same time m-commerce seems to be more promising as it is more mobile in nature. Now tablet PCs making it even more promising. Recent research Internet Retailer shows that 1% of surveyed shoppers say mobile is their primary source of online shopping. Though the no is less but it is next big thing for sure.

HP Dream Screen
Apple has launched iPad 2, iphone 4, Motorola coming with their tab with name of Xoom, Blackberry has launched Play book meanwhile HP has also brought their tab Dream Screen. There are companies that are developing apps for these latest gadgets only. 7-10 inches screen give a better user experience then a smartphone. Better reach of internet and 3G services surely make it more attractive.

India e-commerce industry is around of Rs 20,000 Cr and growing at 20-25% year on year growth rate. I think India is a good potential market where disposable income is higher and appetite to buy online is growing day by day. Indian customer becoming more n more tech savvy. Yes, it will take time to become m-commerce big thing but the pace m-commerce is growing and at the same time latest technology and infrastructure is supporting it, it has huge potential to be next big thing in e-commerce space.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shoppers Shops More on Tablets than Smartphones

ebay on Tab

Shoppers browsing a mobile commerce site on a tablet, such as an iPad, are more likely to make a purchase than those shopping via a smartphone, finds new research from The E-tailing Group Inc.
Of the 996 consumers surveyed online, 68% of tablets owners say they used the devices to make a purchase compared with 48% of smartphone owners. Of those tablet owners, 25% of made at least six purchases in the six months prior to the February survey versus 16% of smartphone owners.
More tablet owners also made at least one purchase in the survey period. Of tablet owners, only 22% say they did not make a purchase, compared with 36% of smartphone owners.
Consumers may shop more on tablets than on smartphones because the experience is “more visually engaging with unparalleled convenience. In the survey, 88% of respondents rate their tablet shopping experience as somewhat to very satisfactory, compared with 73% of those using smartphones.
Top three smartphone purchases were books and magazine, made by 37% of the respondents; tickets, 31%; and clothing and accessories, 26%.
While books and magazines also were the most popular purchased by tablet owners, made by 45%, clothing and accessories was the second most popular, at 37%, followed by digital books at 30%.
The tablet offers a unique opportunity to sell to a highly qualified target audience. Tablets can be a boon to catalogers and retailers who want to offer a highly visual site or mobile app, she notes. That is exactly what Restoration Hardware did. Its new iPad app includes all 588 pages of the furnishing retailer’s current catalog, enabling users to click on a product image to get more information and complete a purchase.
While one retailer may have success with a tablet, another’s mobile store may be better suited to a smartphone. It comes down to understanding what the device is and using it accordingly. Retailers must understand how their customers like to shop before crafting a mobile strategy.
